Print speed is one of the indicators of the quality of work on a computer. This skill is especially important for secretaries, typesetters. And for those who, on duty, often have to write text documents, it does not fit.

- - Personal Computer;
- - a special training program.
Step 1
Today you practically never meet a person who cannot type on a keyboard, with the exception of small children and the elderly, for whom scientific and technological progress is something unknown and unknown. All other categories of the population actively use a computer, and for this, in most cases, it is necessary to be able to type. And it is desirable that the dialing speed is high.
Step 2
Moreover, for those who want to quickly learn to type, this is not a problem now. Because for solving such problems, there are special programs that allow you to increase the speed of writing on the keyboard and master the ten-finger method. But in order to use all the fingers of both hands in the work, you need to work hard. Remember: the success of training completely depends on you, since the systematic and regular training is important in training. The more you practice, the higher your score will be.
Step 3
Before you start exercising, install one of the programs designed to increase your typing speed. In this regard, “Solo on the keyboard”, “iQwer”, “Stamina”, “All 10”, “Time Speed” have proven themselves well. Some of them can be downloaded for free from Internet resources, others can be used as an online simulator. As a rule, all these programs help to quickly master the "blind" typing method, offering to first perform a series of training exercises so that the fingers "remember" the location of the letters on the keyboard, and then - tasks of varying complexity to consolidate the result.
Step 4
However, even after learning the ten-finger method, one cannot stop there. Therefore, try to type every day and not only on the keyboard simulator. Type one or two pages of text, communicate more in chats, forums, social networks.
Step 5
Initially, it is important that your fingers are fluent in the keyboard. Once you've learned how to do all the things automatically, you can start monitoring your typing speed. Print small texts for a while, then gradually increase their volume. Later you can try your hand at various virtual contests and tests for writing speed.
Step 6
Try to print every day. And if you have already managed to master the "blind" method, in no case switch to typing with several fingers: otherwise you may lose your qualifications. And it is better to raise it. And if you manage to print an average of 250-300 characters per minute, consider that the teaching was not in vain.