External hard drives of any manufacturer, including Western Digital, are convenient due to their portability. If you purchased a hard drive and a case for it separately, then you should not have any questions during assembly and disassembly. However, in the case of “ready-made” external hard drives from the manufacturer, the case often lacks the necessary bolts and fasteners, therefore, the case cannot be disassembled.

Step 1
Examine the hard drive enclosure carefully. Remove protective rubber bands, if present. Prepare a couple of plastic cards (which are not scary to break) and a flat screwdriver. As a rule, the models of hard drives may differ slightly in assembly, so prepare a pair of screwdrivers of different diameters.
Step 2
Carefully insert the corner of the plastic card into the slot on the case. Move the card slightly so that the entire edge of the card fits into the slot. Now press lightly on the card to widen the gap. Repeat this procedure for the other side of the chassis. If necessary, insert two cards at the same time to loosen the mount on opposite sides.
Step 3
Expand the gap until you hear a slight click - at this moment, the internal latches hidden in the case will open. Release the latches on all sides. The plastic cards can now be removed. Try to perform these procedures carefully, as you can completely damage the entire body, as well as the insides.
Step 4
Open the case with a screwdriver. Remove the hard drive after removing the fan (if present) and controller connectors. If you haven't broken the latches, then the hard drive can be easily reassembled.
Step 5
Proceed with caution, as any sign of damage to the external hard drive case, even a small scratch, will constitute mechanical damage, and you will void the device's warranty. Do not disassemble an external hard drive without special need. As practice shows, most of the disassembled hard drives do not work during assembly, since various dust gets inside, or the bolts are simply not tightened correctly. Try to use unnecessary parts for disassembly.