The user often encounters a problem when the printer prints in stripes. Of course, I don’t want to take the unit to the service center, and calling the master at home is not cheap. But you can try to find the cause of this failure yourself and try to eliminate it.

There are several reasons why a printer can print in stripes. To understand what the problem is and fix it, you need to start with the simplest. Subsequently, it will be possible to gradually find the breakdown and cope with it.
Cleaning with software
First, run the nozzle cleaning program from the printer software. It is impossible to single out one algorithm of actions here, since for each model and printer this option is often called differently. However, cleaning should be started programmatically, after which you will need to wait a little and follow all instructions. As soon as the operation is completed, you need to print a test page on the printer. This is usually enough to make the problem go away.
If the above steps do not help, then most likely the ink cartridge is out of ink and needs to be refilled. In this case, you should find instructions on how to do this for your printer, since the models are different and require an individual approach. After that, you will need to print a test page and see if the problem is resolved.
Head and nozzles
Sometimes the cartridge prints in streaks because it has badly clogged nozzles or a bad head. In any case, you will need to disassemble the cartridge and troubleshoot. In this case, you also need instructions for a specific model. It is important to know that this must be done periodically, then the problem will not arise.
After all, the ink that is on sale, in most cases, is inferior to the original one. As a result, they clog the cartridge nozzles and dry out. If cleaning doesn't work, then the problem is with the printhead. In this case, you will need to take the printer to a service center, since you cannot do it on your own.
Shaft and thermal film
If the black stripes are in one place, then pull out the cartridge and inspect the shaft. It deforms over time and this leads to such results. Also, the problem may be due to a foreign object hitting it, removing which, it will be possible to get rid of the stripes.
In addition, thermal film can cause the printer to print like this. It may have been damaged, in which case it is recommended to replace the cartridge with a new one. When removing a cartridge from the printer, watch out for spilling toner. You can determine this yourself. Pull the cartridge out and shake it. If this is the problem, then the hands will be stained with black paint. Here you need to replace the cartridge with a new one, since you will hardly be able to do something.