Previously, the creation of a website seemed to many a time-consuming and incomprehensible task, but today it is greatly facilitated by convenient and understandable website builders that allow you to create presentable and stylish personal pages in the absence of serious funds to pay for the work of a designer and webmaster. The advantages of a website builder are obvious if you are not a web interface expert. The program will think over the structure of the page for you, create scripts, mark up areas and help you place certain modules and design solutions, as well as choose a design template if you do not want to come up with your own design. Here is a list of the most popular website builders that can help you create your home page.

Step 1
People. Ru.
This resource has both significant advantages and significant disadvantages, but, despite this, it is one of the most popular in the Russian Internet. It will not be difficult to create the simplest personal website on, even for a person who sees the world wide web for the first time. offers a large number of design templates, each of which you can choose and edit at your own discretion. However, the styling in this constructor is quite simple and not original. In addition, this constructor does not imply a large number of site editing options.
Step 2
Many people call this constructor more successful than the constructor on In a matter of minutes, you can have a personal website at your disposal with ample content editing and design options. If you are not confused by a third-level domain, feel free to use this constructor, it supports the use of CSS, which means that you will have more sources and means for the original design of your site.
Step 3
Strictly speaking, this is not so much a website builder as a blog builder, however, by creating a blog on WordPress, you are creating a resource with solid potential, since this service is respected and authoritative. The constructor is easy to use, you can find a lot of design templates for it, as well as plugins freely available on the web.