How To Move To Minecraft

How To Move To Minecraft
How To Move To Minecraft

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Many Minecraft fans - regulars on various game servers - often encountered such an unpleasant phenomenon for them as a wipe. This English term means, in practice, a complete reload of the map - with the erasure of the previous information on it, including property and buildings made by gamers. Is there a way for them not to lose what they once spent a lot of effort and resources on?

Moving is relevant even for large buildings
Moving is relevant even for large buildings


  • - game server
  • - special plugins
  • - special teams


Step 1

First of all, when you hear a message from the server admins about the wipe, do not panic. Try to find out the details of their planned movements. In any case, you can always move your property to a new card. It will be very easy to do this if you take care of the presence of special plugins (supported by almost all official playgrounds) that help in such operations. The names of the tools you need are MCEdit and WorldEdit.

Step 2

The second of the above plugins will help you move smaller objects to a new place on the map, and the first one is designed for larger structures - like very large buildings or entire cities. Use such opportunities even when there is no question of a wipe, but you simply have planned a "move" to a completely different location on the map. Before doing this, perform some preparatory operations.

Step 3

Using WorldEdit, first make changes on the site where you intend to install your buildings (and do it directly in Minecraft - you do not need to enter other programs). If you need to correct the mountainous terrain (turning it into a kind of plain), enter into the chat // brush smooth. Thanks to this command, your cursor is transformed into a brush that helps smooth out even serious irregularities in the game landscape, affecting, if necessary, any blocks on it. For coarser transformations, use a spherical brush by typing // brush sphere.

Step 4

If during such alterations you made too many mistakes and inaccuracies, you can reload the desired region, returning it to its original form. To do this, enter // regen - and everything will be the same as it was before your intervention. Having prepared the future site for placing your buildings in this way, go to the objects that you are going to move. When the object is small enough, just click on it, and in the case of houses and other voluminous things, click two points on them - in one of the upper corners and in the opposite bottom - and enter // copy. Then go to the new area and, looking at the place where the object will be placed, issue the command // paste.

Step 5

When dealing with MCEdit, you have to proceed a little differently. Changes are made here not directly in the game space, but through this program itself. Make changes in the new territory in the same way as described above - only the tools will be slightly different, built into the software product itself and reflected on the corresponding panel. There is also a brush (Brush), but it fills the selected area with blocks, Clone - clones the required number of them, Filter - smooths out imperfections in the area, etc.

Step 6

To transfer a large object, select it using the Select option, marking in two of its opposite corners (it is imperative that one is on top and the other is below, and both must be diagonally from each other on an imaginary cuboid in which the marked small region will be inscribed). Save it as a separate document. Navigate to the new location defined for its location, grab the above file, click Import. The object will be in your hands. Then select the area where it will stand, select Export. Your buildings will stand as if they were always only in that territory.
