The use of the 1C program provides for the accumulation of information about business operations carried out within the framework of a working enterprise. Over time, large information bases begin to interfere with the normal work flow.

1C program
Step 1
Archive a copy of the current enterprise working base. This is done in case the program starts to work unstable after trimming it. Also, for some reason, you may need to access old data, so do not forget to make backups. It is best to store them on removable storage devices.
Step 2
Run the program in exclusive mode, if necessary, check the box in the corresponding menu item. Find the item "Service" in the 1C program menu, in it you will find the function of folding the infobase. Then, following the instructions on the menu, perform the necessary operations to reduce it.
Step 3
If after folding the database, the 1C program is unstable, download the previously archived copy of the enterprise data and call the programmer. Do not fold the database without creating a copy yourself, as this can lead to undesirable consequences, it may well be that you need to completely reinstall the program with the creation of a new infobase, which will take much more time than calling a specialist.
Step 4
Register on special forums for 1C programmers in order to receive timely help from more experienced users. This also applies to cases when the company does not have a special 1C programmer, and situations when you yourself are a programmer. Since the 1C program is quite complex, you should never forget that it is necessary to timely replenish knowledge about it from official and alternative sources. Also, carefully study the program version updates, since this is a fairly important part of working with 1C.
Step 5
If it seems to you that you do not have enough knowledge to work with the 1C program, pay attention to special training courses for specialists in this field, usually such courses are held in almost every city.