Few people are satisfied with the standard desktop screensaver. On a personal computer, you want to put on the home screen, for example, your image (picture or photo). The selection of wallpapers for your desktop is very wide, and you can easily replace the standard image with your own.
![The choice of wallpapers for the desktop is very wide The choice of wallpapers for the desktop is very wide](https://i.compthesaurus.com/images/009/image-26988-3-j.webp)
Step 1
Exit to the computer desktop (minimize or close running applications).
Step 2
By right-clicking on a place free of shortcuts on the Desktop, bring up a list of actions.
Step 3
In the list that appears, select the line "Properties".
Step 4
The "Properties: Display" window will open. In it, you must select the "Desktop" tab.
Step 5
In the properties of the Desktop, a picture is presented with a preview of the present and future screen views. Below is a list of the default system wallpapers, with recently used images usually shown at the bottom of the list.
Step 6
To select your image on the Desktop, you must click the "Browse" button. A window for selecting a picture will appear, in which you need to find the directory for the location of the desired file, select it (with one click of the left mouse button) and click the "Open" button. If the correct file format is selected, then the image in the preview should change.
Step 7
After selecting a picture, you must press the "Apply" button. The desktop image will change.
Step 8
If the position of the picture is unsatisfactory (it can be stretched or strongly compressed due to the inappropriate image resolution), then it is necessary to change the "Position" of the background picture in the "Properties: Display" dialog box. The pull-out list contains the following options for placing the picture:
- Center: The picture is displayed at its original resolution (size). In this case, outside the image, the background is filled with a color determined by the system. Also, this color can be selected manually in the "Color" pull-down list in the screen properties;
- "Tile": The picture is also displayed in its original size, but the background is completely filled with the given picture, the copies of which are side-to-side.
- "Stretch": The image is stretched to fit the screen resolution
Step 9
After choosing the image and the optimal variant of its location, you must press the "Apply" button and then - "OK".