Who doesn't dream of becoming a star at least for a moment, trying on someone else's elegant outfit, or being, say, at the Academy Awards? All this sounds funny, but completely unrealistic. But if you do some magic in Photoshop, then you can quite be in the place of any celebrity. Having learned how to substitute a face from any of your photos on finished paintings, other people's photographs and other images, you can create interesting and original collages that will undoubtedly attract the attention of friends and others.
Adobe photoshop
Step 1
Open in Photoshop the picture in which you want to replace the face of the depicted person, and then open your own photo, which you are going to substitute for the face of the original.
Step 2
To cut out your face from the photo, use the Lasso Tool and draw a rough outline around it. Then copy the selected object with the face and copy it to the original painting.
Step 3
The next step is to resize the resulting object to the size of the face in the picture. To do this, select the item Free Transform in the Edit section and edit the shape and size of the face to your liking until it becomes proportional to the figure in the picture.
Step 4
In the parameters of the layer on which the cut and reduced face is located, set the Opacity value to 70-72%. Place the fragment with the face over the face in the picture and use a soft eraser to erase the excess parts of the image that go beyond the original. After the face has got neat features, set the transparency of the layer to the previous level.
Step 5
An important element in superimposing a face on a painting is color correction, without which the resulting image will not be realistic and beautiful. Select the Adjustment and Levels items in the Image section, and start adjusting the levels, adjusting the complexion to the color scheme of the overall original picture. After the result suits you, press the Color Balance button in the same section of the menu.
Step 6
It is not enough to straighten out the color; you will need to smooth out the texture of the face in the photo so that it matches the texture of the base. If the face needs to be smoother and more even, copy its layer and apply a Gaussian Blur filter to it with a value of no more than 5 pixels. Next, use the eraser to correct the imperfections in the face: make the eyes, eyebrows and lips clearer. After that, the collage can be safely called ready.