Malicious Trojans do a lot of harm to our computers. Sometimes even irreparable. Information eaten, stolen or damaged by Trojan horses can be very valuable, and in general it is extremely unpleasant when someone else is digging into your PC. In order for Trojans not to allow themselves to spoil your life, make it a rule to follow a few simple rules.

Antivirus is required
Step 1
What is a Trojan? It is a small piece of malware that its "developers" disguise as useful software. It can be anything you like: updates to programs, and all kinds of utilities downloaded from the Internet. The Trojan fraudulently enters the PC, and after launching it begins to harm. Unfortunately, in many ways, users themselves are to blame for the Trojan's penetration into the PC. The penetration of malicious programs is facilitated by the opening of strange letters received by e-mail and downloading programs and files from unverified resources. Moral: only work with sites that have a well-deserved good reputation.
Step 2
Regular computer scans. If you notice interruptions in the work of your computer, first turn on your antivirus. It is best if you do express scans every day, and do a full-scale computer scan every three days. Do not regret this time - it is better to spend a few minutes scanning your PC than to carry it to the service and scold yourself for carelessness.
Step 3
Safe Mode Scan. It happens that the operating system of the computer catches and blocks viruses during normal operation. This is a big plus - thus, the chances of antivirus detection of Trojans increase. To do this, press reboot the PC, press the F8 key and select safe mode while loading the operating system. Then scan your computer in safe mode.