The personal computer of each user has external and internal memory, but not everyone knows what it really is and what function it performs.

The internal memory of a personal computer is a special storage device that works directly with the processor. This memory is intended for storing and executing various software, as well as its data. Internal memory has a limited amount and is divided into persistent memory, cache memory and RAM.
Random access memory
Perhaps, what is random access memory, every user of a personal computer should know. RAM is the fastest storage system on the computer, but every time it is turned on / off, this memory is automatically reset to zero. RAM is intended for temporary storage, transmission and delivery of information. It should be noted that today several types of RAM are allocated, these are: DDR SDRAM (or DDR I), DDR 2 SDRAM and DDR 3 SDRAM. The first type of random access memory is practically not found anywhere today, with the exception of old computers, due to its non-modern technologies. Most often now you can find DDR 3 SDRAM RAM. It is a kind of successor to DDR 2 SDRAM. Such RAM has become in demand due to the fact that it consumes several times less power than DDR 2 SDRAM (approximately 40%).
Cache memory
As for the cache memory, it is the fastest storage device that is used in the exchange and processing of data directly between the processor and RAM. Typically, most of the cache memory is located on the microprocessor chip, while the rest is outside of it. The user will not be able to access the cache memory in any way, since it itself is programmatically inaccessible. In order for the user to access the cache directly, he must use the hardware of the computer.
Read-only storage
The read-only memory device can be used by the user only for reading information. First of all, a program is written in ROM to control the operation of the processor itself in the computer. This is where all the drivers for controlling peripheral devices (for a monitor, printer, keyboard, etc.) are located, as well as programs for starting and stopping a computer, testing devices and the most important chip of permanent memory - the BIOS module.