In the process of work, the information in the computer's RAM is constantly updated, new data are entered there, old data are deleted, part of the data is sent to the paging file. All this leads to a strong fragmentation of the RAM and a decrease in its free volume. To combat this unpleasant property of memory, special programs are used.

It is necessary
To clean and defragment RAM, you need the freeware DRam 2.56 program
Step 1
Download DRam 2.56 for free. Unpack the archive containing the executable installation file for the program. Start it up. After installation, the program will start automatically.
Step 2
In the upper part of the program, a diagram of the RAM load is presented in a convenient graphical form. In the lower part, you can make some display settings. Check the box "clean up when the computer is idle." This will enable the program to automatically defragment memory when the computer is idle for more than one minute.
Step 3
Check the box "pay attention". The program will signal the need to clear the memory by flashing its icon in the tray if the percentage of free memory is less than the one set in the section "when the RAM is reduced to …". Set this parameter to 20% as the most optimal. At a higher percentage, the program alarm will be triggered more often, and at a lower percentage, the program will not report a lack of memory even when the memory is vital to the system.
Step 4
Minimize the program to tray. If you need to defragment, expand the program by double-clicking on its shortcut and click the "start" button. This will increase the amount of free memory and speed up your computer.