A programming language is a means of communication between a programmer and a computer. A computer in this case is a machine that understands only elementary commands. What is the most difficult language for a person to speak with a computer?

Binary code
The Soviet novel "The Programmer" tells about a situation when a computer failed at a technical institute. The bosses came and asked to demonstrate her work. But she didn't understand the commands of the programming language. Then the talented engineer began a dialogue with the machine in its language - right in binary code.
Many programmers consider binary code to be the most difficult programming language - which is a paradox, because binary numbers are not a language. The very concept of "programming language" implies translation from the language of computers into the human language. In binary, the programmer has to debate with the machine without oversimplification.
Despite the enormous difficulties of working with binary code directly, it is binary logic that allows the most economical use of machine memory. It can be used for simple electrical devices (microwave ovens, kettles), as well as in devices that require special speed (precision watches, medical equipment, sports equipment for judging).
Assembler is a group of binary code instructions grouped into sections. This language is used when disassembling programs. Sometimes it is necessary to find out the program code by its executable files. To do this, you need to decrypt the executable file (the work has much in common with cryptography). This process of decrypting executable files is called disassembling. At the output, the programmer receives a group of assembler instructions, even if the program was originally written in another language. Working with assembly language (asm) is like programming in binary, challenging even strong programmers.
Popular C ++
A huge number of programs and shells in the world are written in languages of the C group. The C language itself was created in 1970 to work with processors. This language was very simple.
In '' '' the C ++ language was developed, which inherited most of the capabilities of its predecessor, but added an additional principle - the inheritance paradigm. Despite the apparent simplicity of the commands, it is this language that is the most powerful programming tool. A huge number of third-party libraries give the programmer a lot of freedom for the creative process. However, the language has a complex logical structure. You need to use an object-oriented approach that reduces the number of lines of code (due to inheritance) but complicates the logic. A programmer is required to have the ability to fantasize, which is not easy in itself.
New languages
Currently, free "abstract" programming languages are widely popular: NOSQL, Erlang, Python. It is not easy to master them, but specialists in rare languages are very popular. As a rule, new languages are created to solve specific problems: working with web-interfaces, creating applications or managing server processes. A particular difficulty in programming in the latest languages lies in their little research - there are few components and libraries, specifications and textbooks.