Chinese hieroglyphics is one of the most complex writing systems. There are many methods for entering hieroglyphs from the keyboard, among which the two most convenient methods for both Chinese and foreigners are mainly used. One of them uses pinyin, and the other uses hieroglyphs, which are written separately in graphemes like writing on paper.

Step 1
To print with pinyin, you just need to install the appropriate program. The Google Pinyin application is often used, which is easily installed using the built-in installer. You can download it by typing the name in the Google search query bar.
Step 2
Run the utility and start entering characters in accordance with the pinyin transcription rules. After the completion of entering characters, you will be prompted to select the desired one from several characters.
Step 3
A faster way to write hieroglyphs on a computer is "Ubi". Typing is done by writing graphics and is faster than pinyin typing. This method is increasingly being used by the Chinese themselves. In it, a certain key combination corresponds to one hieroglyph.
This method is based on five traits, each with its own number. Number 1 is the line 一, 2 - 丨, 3 - 丿, 4 - 丶, 5 - 乙.
Step 4
First, learn how to correctly break a hieroglyph into graphemes taken from this method. All symbols are divided into 4 groups: "loners" (5 lines and 25 frequent hieroglyphs that correspond to one key of the keyboard), "separately" (hieroglyphs with a distance between the elements), "connection" (graphemes are connected to each other), " intersection”(graphemes intersect).
Step 5
When dividing into graphemes, one should be guided by the order of writing the hieroglyph on paper. The left element is written first, then the right one. Top, then bottom. Horizontal then vertical. Internal, then external. The middle, then what's on the sides.