Printers for personal computers are of three main types: laser, dot matrix and inkjet. Laser printers use a special powder called toner. Dot matrix - ink ribbon, like the one found in any typewriter. But the most inexpensive, inkjet printers leave a mark on the paper due to droplets of liquid paint. Cartridges for them can be refilled.

- - special ink
- - medical syringe
- - latex gloves
Step 1
Find out the exact model and manufacturer of your printer. The cartridges, that is, the ink tanks, are different from each other. And in the same way, the compositions of the dye in them differ. Therefore, find the documentation for your device, which will indicate the model, for example, Canon IP-1800. Remove both black and color cartridges from the printer. In some printer models, there are not two, but four or six cartridges - you need to remove all of them. Then wrap them in paper and place them in a plastic bag or plastic container.
Step 2
Purchase suitable ink from any computer store. For this, the model of the printer or the cartridges that you got from it will come in handy. The filling method can be very different, from bottles to syringe capsules. In any case, get medical syringes with a volume of 5 cubic centimeters (one for each color) and rubber gloves - this will help you not to get your hands stained.
Step 3
Lay out your accessories on a convenient free table: ink, cartridges, syringes. Cartridges for inkjet printers are separate, when a separate container is used for each color, or combined. The combined ones are usually larger and wider in size, one of them contains only black ink, and the second contains three sections for the three primary colors. It is yellow, blue and crimson.
Step 4
Peel off the plastic tape with the cartridge number from the top. Under it, you will see indentations or even holes for filling ink closed with a rubber stopper. Take the needle and puncture, not too deep, three-quarters of the cartridge in the groove. This is necessary in order to see the residual level and color of the ink by following the marks on the needle and to clarify the place where the liquid should be poured. If this is less important for the black cartridge, then the mixed colors will mean that the printer cannot be used for the color one.
Step 5
Draw about four cubes of dye liquid into the syringe. At this point, you should already know exactly where the compartment for the corresponding color is located in the cartridge. Slowly press in the piston, while the operation is carried out by weight - the nozzles, from which ink splashes onto the paper, should not be pressed by anything, it is also undesirable to touch them with your fingers. Repeat the procedure with each of the colors.
Step 6
Install the cartridges in the printer and start it up. Try to print something. Sometimes it is worth doing the "Head cleaning" service operation.