One of the first "mass" CD formats was CD. After, as more perfect, DVD came to replace, allowing you to store more information on itself. The current Blue-Ray is a new technological step, the most relevant today.

Step 1
Purchase a turntable. In the same way that CD-rom cannot play a DVD, most modern DVD drives cannot recognize Blue-Ray. The point here is the recording technology: the laser leaves microscopic grooves of various thicknesses on the CD. And, the thinner such a groove, the more perfect it is, and the more difficult it is to count it. Therefore, look on the drive or player for a mark similar to the image nearby - it will indicate compatibility with the format.
Step 2
Use appropriate equipment. To play Blue-Ray on a computer, you need a sufficiently powerful (at least a dual-core) processor and an average quality video card (although it plays a lesser role). It is better to have several gigabytes of free hard disk space, then the playback will be stable, without jerks and stops. This is not a problem for turntables. they are specially designed to play discs of this format.
Step 3
Prepare the software. To play Blue-Ray you need not only a good computer, but an appropriate codec or viewer. The simplest option is Media Player Classic, which plays almost any type of video. However, you can also download a special program for viewing blue ray, which may be more convenient and more stable. You can find the one that suits you on the Internet forums, where a wide range of free and shareware versions are available.
Step 4
Prepare a large display. Of course, if the above conditions are met, Blue-Ray will play without interference, but using a small monitor (laptop screen, for example) or a small TV, you will not feel the difference between Blue-ray and a regular DVD. The full potential of high-definition video is only unlocked on large screens - from 21 inches. In this format, a regular DVD dramatically loses quality, becoming full of "squares", because the equipment has to artificially increase the pixels. Blue-ray, on the other hand, will show a very clear and rich picture with smooth and thin lines.