Where Is The Matrix In The Laptop

Where Is The Matrix In The Laptop
Where Is The Matrix In The Laptop

The laptop screen is created on the basis of a liquid crystal matrix, which is one of the most important and expensive elements of a computer. Knowing the main parameters of the matrix can help both when choosing a laptop and when repairing it yourself.

Where is the matrix in the laptop
Where is the matrix in the laptop

All modern liquid crystal displays are based on liquid crystals discovered in 1888 by biologist Friedrich Reinitzer. One of their most important properties is the ability to arrange molecules under the influence of electric fields. The rapid development of electronics in the twentieth century first led to the emergence of monochrome, and then color liquid crystal displays.

The main elements of the LCD display are a liquid crystal matrix, its backlight lamps, a cable for connection and a metal frame of rigidity. The matrix itself consists of two transparent electrodes, between which there are liquid crystals, and two mutually perpendicular polarizing filters. The molecules of liquid crystals are initially oriented in one direction, the external electric field changes their orientation, which makes it possible to change the transparency of the screen. To control each pixel on the screen individually, row and column addressing is used. To provide the desired image brightness, backlight is used, usually miniature fluorescent lamps or LEDs are installed as a light source.

In a laptop, the matrix is located directly under the outer protective layer of the screen. It should be borne in mind that the liquid crystal matrix is one of the most vulnerable elements of a computer, therefore, it should be protected from shock and other mechanical damage. If the integrity of the matrix is violated, it will have to be changed. As a rule, this operation is carried out in service centers, but it can be done independently.

To get to the matrix, you need to disassemble the laptop screen, for this you first need to carefully pry it off with a screwdriver and pull out the rubber plugs on which the screen rests when closed. There are screws under them, they must be unscrewed. The outer plastic frame can then be removed. It is additionally fastened with latches, so its removal can be accompanied by a rather loud banging sound.

Removing the bezel reveals the die held by several screws, usually two. They should also be unscrewed. Then you can remove it and lay it face down on a soft cloth. Pay attention to the cables, they must be carefully disconnected from the connectors. The disassembly procedure is over, the matrix is removed. Now it can be replaced with a new one and reassemble in reverse order.

When choosing a laptop, you should inquire about the type of display. In particular, LED matrix backlighting is much more reliable than those based on fluorescent lamps. In addition, it is much more economical, which will allow the laptop to last much longer on battery power.
