The matrix is the main and most expensive component of a laptop LCD screen. Being a rather fragile element, it can easily break down - for example, upon impact. Replacing the matrix is not very difficult, so it can well be done independently.

To repair a broken laptop, you need a new die. There are three main search options: first of all, try to get it from one of the repair shops. But be prepared to be denied or overpriced. It is not profitable for workshops to sell components, so the master would rather offer you to bring a laptop for repair than sell a spare part.
The second option is to look for a faulty laptop with the same matrix on the market. Sometimes the laptop itself can be badly damaged, but its screen can still serve. The disadvantage of this method is that it is impossible to check the integrity of the matrix on site. Finally, the third option is to try searching for the matrix in online stores. This method is the most profitable, the purchase will cost you about three to five thousand rubles, depending on the size and type of matrix. But it can take up to a month or more to deliver it by mail.
Before you start looking for a new matrix, make sure that the old one is really faulty. If the screen is broken, in this case there are no questions, the matrix must be changed. But if the screen does not light up, the problem may not be in the matrix. After turning on the laptop, shine a flashlight on the matrix. Take a closer look - if a faint image is visible on the screen, then the matrix is in order, there is simply no screen backlight. The reason, as a rule, is a burned-out microcircuit of the inverter or the combustion of the backlight itself.
If it is the matrix that is faulty, to replace it, first pull out with a screwdriver or sewed the rubber plugs on which the screen rests when closing. There are screws under the plugs, carefully unscrew them. Now separate the halves of the screen cover by inserting something flat and thin into the gap between them - for example, a knife blade, a credit card, etc. The halves of the lid are fastened with latches, so their separation can be accompanied by a rather loud banging sound.
Removing the plastic screen bezel reveals the screws securing the screen. Unscrew them, then, placing a soft cloth, carefully remove the matrix. Disconnect the cables leading to it. Now you can install a new die and reassemble everything in the reverse order.