On August 16, 2012 NVIDIA presented its new video card GeForce GTX 660 Ti. Based on the most advanced technologies, the new graphics adapter has attracted the attention of many users around the world.

The GeForce GTX 660 Ti video card was conceived as a mainstream, the ratio of features and price is designed to make it popular among gamers, as well as all those for whom high performance of the graphics adapter is important. It will be possible to judge whether NVIDIA will succeed in achieving this goal in the coming months.
The company's new product belongs to the Titanium family, as can be judged by the letters at the end of the adapter name. The advanced Kepler platform was used to create the video card. Distinguished by its high performance, the GTX 660 Ti looks pretty good among its fellows and competitors.
In terms of its technical parameters, the new video card is very similar to the more efficient GTX 670 adapter - in particular, it is equipped with the same GK104 processor and is produced on the same printed circuit boards. The clock frequencies also coincide - the base frequency is 915 MHz and the Boost Clock - 980 MHz. The same video memory is used - GDDR5 2048 MB. The number of clusters of raster operations has slightly decreased (24 instead of 32), the memory bandwidth has decreased (from 192, 3 to 144, 2 GB / sec). The peak power consumption has been reduced to 150 W, which makes it possible to use the adapter on computers with a 450 W power supply (but preferably at least 500 W). Otherwise, this is almost an exact copy of the GTX 670.
It should be noted that immediately after the release of the new graphics adapter, the price for it began to fall rapidly. So, in Russia, the GeForce GTX 660 Ti was recommended to sell at 11,999 rubles, but after a couple of days in Moscow a new video card could be purchased at a price of 10,300 to 10,600 rubles. The explanation is simple - it is easier for a buyer to pay a little extra and buy a more powerful GTX 670 adapter than to buy its "truncated" version at a comparable price - the difference can be less than two thousand rubles.
In addition, the new NVIDIA graphics card has more than worthy competitors - the Radeon HD 7950 video card (costs less than $ 350) and the "overclocked" adapter Radeon HD 7870 (you can buy it for about $ 270). Therefore, it is unlikely that NVIDIA will really be able to make the new video card mass, especially against the background of falling prices for video adapters of the Radeon HD family.