The familiar area of the Windows desktop is a regular system folder. Some programs, when adding files, offer an uncomfortable overview of the contents of the computer, where you have to search for the desktop folder among many directories. Let's try to figure out how to find a desktop among them.

Step 1
Windows XP. If you are the only computer user, i.e. there are no additional accounts on the computer, the path to the desktop folder will be as follows: C: Documents and SettingsAdministratorDesctop. Thus, first you need to click on the C drive icon, then open the Documents and Settings folder, in it find the Administrator folder. There will be a Desctop folder, which is your goal. If there are multiple user accounts on the computer, then instead of the Administrator folder, select a folder with the name of your account.
Step 2
Windows Vista and 7. In recent versions of Windows operating systems, the path to the desktop folder is as follows: C: UsersAdministratorDesctop or C: UsersAdministratorDesktop. If you use multiple accounts on your computer, then instead of the Administrator folder, you need to select a folder with the name of your account.