How To Connect Vpn Network

How To Connect Vpn Network
How To Connect Vpn Network

Table of contents:


Connecting to a VPN network is performed according to a scenario that is not entirely familiar to the average user - there are many aspects that cannot be ignored and which are easy to forget about when setting up. Now this type of connection is gaining more and more popularity among providers, so it will not be superfluous to be able to configure it for any category of computer users.

How to connect vpn network
How to connect vpn network


connection parameters of your internet provider


Step 1

Familiarize yourself with the parameters of your connection, find out the login, password and access point from your Internet provider.

Step 2

Go to the "Control Panel", open the menu item "Network Connections". Select the "Create a new connection" action in the upper left corner. You will see a connection setup wizard on your screen, click the "Next" button.

Step 3

Select the second item - "Connect to the network at the workplace." Then select the option "Connect to virtual part of the network".

Step 4

In the new window, enter a name for the connection shortcut - the name of the provider or any other designation convenient for you.

Step 5

If necessary, enter the number to connect to the network. If you use permanent dedicated Internet access, then skip this item.

Step 6

Enter the IP address of your computer or your ISP's hotspot, depending on what you are connecting to over the VPN connection.

Step 7

Select the item to configure login and password access for any user and add a shortcut to connect to the desktop.

Step 8

While in the network connections folder, right-click on the position you created and select the "Properties" menu item. Enter your username and password in the corresponding items of the connection configuration settings and save them.

Step 9

Check the box next to "Call back on disconnection". In the "Security" section, be sure to check the box next to "Data encryption required".

Step 10

On the "Network" tab, open the settings menu of the "Internet Protocol (TCP / IP)" item. Make sure the IP and DNS assignment is automatic.

Step 11

On the "Advanced" tab, check if the checkbox next to the option to use the default gateway on the remote network is checked. Apply the changes, close all windows by pressing the "OK" button in each of them one by one.
