Flash drives are not the type of thing that the owner especially holds dear. Therefore, often when the "flash drive" refuses to be detected or to give the recorded data, it is attributed to the terms of use and is simply thrown away. Meanwhile, in most cases, the fact that the device was dangling from the keys does not affect its operation in any way. And the real reason for the breakdown is an error in the built-in controller, which is easy to fix.

Step 1
You should start by identifying the causes of the problems. If you noticed that the device often "disappeared" from the system or data transfer was interrupted, then, most likely, the contacts are damaged, and then it is really better to part with it. Repair in this case will cost at least half the cost of a new one. If the problems are in its recognition by the system, incorrect display of the memory size or lack of response, then the possibility of restoring the flash memory is quite high.
Step 2
To return the flash drive "in service" you need to know the model of the controller microcircuit, which provides communication between the memory unit and the computer. You can find out the model by opening the drive case, but it is better to leave this method in reserve, because it is easy to damage the "internals". Each controller has PID (device code) and VID (manufacturer code) codes embedded. They can be read using the USBDeview program. On some models, this information is displayed when you right-click on the device.
Step 3
After you find the indicated codes, you will need to use them (and using a search engine or specialized databases) to determine the model of the "flash drive" controller. See the iFlash database for details.
Step 4
Through the same database, find a utility with which you can reflash the device (read how to do this, depending on what utility it is). With a high degree of probability, then it will work again.