Computers have long ceased to be something amazing. Every user has them. You can play on them, carry on correspondence, do business. In the latter case, it is important that the time of the system clock is accurate. Otherwise, it threatens with disrupted deadlines, confusion in documents, and so on.

A separate microcircuit is responsible for the accuracy of the system time and other important settings in the computer, which needs constant power. Typically, the computer is turned on and off for a specified time. In the on state, the PC receives energy from the 220V network, and in the off state from a small battery located on the motherboard.
Small but important
When the time gets lost every time you turn on the computer and does it haphazardly, most likely the battery on the motherboard needs to be replaced. Before that it will not be superfluous to check the condition of the battery. For this:
1. The computer must be turned off.
2. Disconnect the power cable from the system unit.
3. Remove the screws holding the side cover of the system unit in place.
4. Pull out the cover.
5. Put the system unit on its side.
6. Find the battery itself on the board.
7. Using a screwdriver, carefully bend the fastener and pull the element out of the connector.
8. Use a voltmeter to check the voltage. Normally, it is 3V.
If the readings are far from normal, it's time to go to the nearest computer store. And there, either a consultant will help you choose the right element, or take an old battery with you and find its equivalent.
When it's not about the battery
Battery problems are the most common, but not the only, possible cause of system time failure. There may be several of them. If, after checking with a voltmeter, everything turned out to be normal, you should pay attention to the following points:
1. The time zone is set incorrectly. If the user lives in one time zone, and another is specified on the PC, then the system will constantly adjust the time to the one that it considers necessary.
2. Software knocks the time. Some programs have their own time settings. At startup, they tune the computer to their needs, and as a result, the user suffers. If you closely monitor the behavior of the installed software when it starts, you can find the problem and fix it.
3. Viruses. Practice shows that this option does not take the first place among the possible causes of system time failure, but it should not be ruled out either. All logical drives should be checked for malware, as well as become a habit and do on a regular basis.
By carefully monitoring any changes to the operating system, the user will have no problems with chronological accuracy.