How To Make A Compass In Minecraft

How To Make A Compass In Minecraft
How To Make A Compass In Minecraft

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Minecraft is an almost endless world in which it is not difficult to get lost. In this regard, there is a need to create various navigation devices that simplify orientation on the ground. Today I will tell you how to make a compass in Minecraft.

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kak v Minecraft sdelat kompas


Step 1

The first component you need to create a compass is red dust. It can be obtained by destroying a block of redstone, which, in turn, can be mined deep underground using an iron pickaxe. One redstone block will bring nine dust, but only one is needed for the compass.

Step 2

The second component required to make a compass in Minecraft is iron ingots. You can get them in two ways: by smelting iron ore in a furnace, or by crafting from iron blocks. The easiest way to find ore is in nearby caves or underground. To create a compass, you will need four iron ingots.

Step 3

When you have collected all the necessary ingredients, place red dust in the central crafting cell, and place the iron ingots along the edges of it in the form of a cross.

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Step 4

After completing all the actions described above, you will receive a compass, thanks to which you can easily find the character's respawn location.
