Modern games, unlike their older brothers from eight-bit consoles, have an impressive duration: so to pass a typical jRPG it may take more than 80 hours of real time. It is logical that the save system is an integral part of such games, and its failure becomes a serious problem.

Create a new account. In most cases, the game cannot be saved if the local (less often online) profile was created incorrectly or was not created at all. You will need to find the "Profile Management" item in the options menu, in which you need to delete the current account and install a new one. If the game is connected to a unified user registration service (see Steam, Windows LIVE!), Then it is worth checking whether the game is "tied" to them and whether it has been authorized. In the case of Live, you can create a new account directly from the menu inside the game, which opens by pressing the Home key. Check if the product was installed correctly. Today, you can find most of the game saves in the "My Documents" folder - this is some market standard. It is reasonable that if the product is installed incorrectly, the system will not give it access to edit files in this folder and saving will not be performed. Try reinstalling the game or downloading a different version (change the re-pack or download the official game files from Steam). Make sure the game is compatible with your OS. A number of games (in particular, for Red Faction: Guerilla) are characterized by incorrect recognition of the installed operating system. This is expressed in the fact that she mistakenly indicates the address of the folder "My Documents" and subsequently cannot find any saves in it. To solve the problem, create a separate My Documents folder (be sure to specify the name in Latin letters) at the address "C: Documents & Settings" - the save will later be stored there. Check the game's official website and install the latest product update. It often happens that the game is released to the market raw - with a sufficient number of bugs and bugs. It is likely that the inability to save on some system configurations was noticed by the developers and fixed in one of the latest updates: then downloading and installing the most recent patch should solve all your problems.