For Microsoft Office Word documents, you can insert a page (section) break anywhere in the text. You can set the automatic placement of breaks or set them "manually". The same is true for the reverse process: you can also remove line breaks (sections, pages) either automatically or independently.

Step 1
Open the document you want to edit, select the piece of text where the break was inserted, and go to the Page Layout tab. In the "Paragraph" section, click on the button with an arrow - a new "Paragraph" dialog box will open. This window can be called in another way: click anywhere in the document with the right mouse button, in the drop-down menu, select "Paragraph".
Step 2
Go to the "Position on the page" tab in the window that opens. At the top of the Pagination window, select the Do Not Break Paragraph marker. To prevent inserting a page break between paragraphs, select the Keep Around Next check box. Click OK for the new settings to take effect. The Paragraph dialog box closes automatically.
Step 3
In professionally formatted documents, as a rule, pages do not end on the first line of a paragraph and do not start on the last lines of the previous paragraph. Such lines are called dangling lines, and in Word documents, orphaned lines are turned on by default. If you do not have a need to design the document in a special way, call the Paragraph dialog box in the manner described in the first step, and remove the marker from the Prohibit orphan lines field on the Page Position tab. Click OK to close the window.
Step 4
A normal page break can be removed "manually". To do this, place the cursor at the beginning of the line before which the break is inserted, press the BackSpase button several times (until the text fragment moves to the desired place in the document). Alternatively, move the mouse cursor to the left margin of the document and wait until the cursor turns into an arrow. While holding down the left mouse button, select an empty area of the page above the text fragment in front of which there is a break. Press the BackSpace key once.