If dirt and dust particles get inside the keyboard of a conventional desktop computer, only the keyboard itself will fail over time. While it is possible for dirt from the laptop keyboard to get onto the inside of the laptop case, in this case, your laptop could break down soon. Therefore, it is very important to regularly clean your laptop keyboard. this procedure can extend its life.

- - special soft napkins for cleaning the keys;
- - brushes to remove dust and dirt between the keys;
- - special liquid for cleaning keys;
- - a special set for a more thorough cleaning.
Step 1
Before starting the cleaning procedure, you should figure out which cleaning you need - deep or shallow. Surface cleaning can only clean the keys and the space between them. By applying deep cleaning, you can also remove dust from the contacts, preventing it from settling on the inside of your laptop. In general, a laptop keyboard needs both types of these procedures, but there is such a pattern: the more often you perform surface cleaning, the less often you will need to perform deep cleaning.
Step 2
For regular disinfection and surface cleaning of keys, it is best to use special brushes, wipes and cleaning fluid. In this case, it is important to be careful and careful so that liquid does not drip onto the contacts between the keys. If you have overdone the cleaning of the keyboard, and the letters on the keys are erased, in this case, you can buy special stickers for the keys.
Step 3
If you do not have special cleaning agents, you can use the handy tools. So, instead of a napkin and brush, you can use a clean soft rag, and instead of a cleaning liquid, you can use diluted isopropyl alcohol. Under no circumstances use vodka, acetone, ethyl alcohol or other aggressive substances, because they can not only wipe paint off the laptop keyboard, but also melt the case.
Step 4
Sometimes keyboard vacuum cleaners are used for deep cleaning, which are powered by USB. However, the power of these vacuum cleaners is very low so that the keyboard contacts can be properly cleaned. Therefore, such a cleaning will end up being superficial.
Step 5
For deep thorough cleaning, it is better to use a can of compressed air that comes out of it (can) under strong pressure. This allows dust that has settled on the contacts to be blown out. However, you should not buy too "powerful" can, so as not to damage the keyboard. This method can be periodically applied as needed.
Step 6
Alternatively, you can disassemble the keyboard for deep cleaning. To do this, remove the keys with a screwdriver, and then clean the contacts and rubber bands using a special sponge or soft cloth, as well as a special cleaning agent. All these manipulations need to be done as carefully as possible, so if you are not sure that you can 100% collect everything in its original form, it is better not to take it.
Step 7
When disassembling the keys, carefully pry them with a small screwdriver and, being careful, remove them from the keyboard case. The keyboard should be removed carefully to avoid breaking the ribbon cable that connects it to the motherboard. In order to properly attach the keys at the end of the work, you can take a picture of them beforehand (before starting this cleaning).