You can sell self-written software through special sites. There is also an option to register as an individual entrepreneur. Each of these methods has its pros and cons.

Step 1
Select an Internet resource through which you will sell your software. These can be,, and many others. Be guided by the country in which you want to sell software (it is best to sell abroad), how this or that sales system works, which organization for paying taxes for trading activities, whether the company takes interest on sales for itself (typical for most serious sites), whether the formation of a legal entity is necessary and many other aspects. When choosing, also read the reviews of other software vendors on thematic forums.
Step 2
If you decide to organize your individual enterprise, it is not at all necessary to carry out the sale through any website in this case. Carefully study the position of the software market and evaluate how your decision is correct under these conditions, because if you are aiming for small results, it will be much more convenient for you, for example, for an intermediary firm to pay taxes and other work with documentation.
Step 3
If you decide to sell independently developed programs through an Internet resource, register on the site of your choice and indicate your data when registering, while keeping in mind that they must be reliable. Provide full name, surname, residential address and other required information.
Step 4
Also note that it is possible to combine both options - selling via the Internet when creating an individual enterprise, this is a particularly convenient option if your program is in demand among users and you are going to further not only support this software product, but also develop new software … In any case, whichever choice you make, do not trust your software to the first vendors you come across.