Paladin is a character class in the online game World of Warcraft, one of the easiest to level up. In addition, this is one of the most powerful heroes. Retro paladins are pumped into the third branch of talents, namely retribution.

World of Warcraft game client
Step 1
Use the following symbols to level up retro paladins: the symbol of exorcism, useful for playing in the arena and in solo, used for "Otfirivanie" pets; use the hammer of justice symbol only in the third slot; set the symbol of purification as a reference, it will help save mana. The symbols of the seal of revenge and obedience are controversial. Always take the following symbols: seals of righteousness, salvation, and exorcism. These symbols will give you the opportunity to play as a powerful retro paladin.
Step 2
Use the following abilities in World of Warcraft as a Retro Paladin. First, these are damaging blows: a warrior of light, justice of wisdom, justice, light, also a hammer of wrath and a divine storm. As supporting abilities, use the following to properly play a retro paladin: purification, this is one of the most basic abilities; the hand of freedom, protection and sacrifice, as well as a sacred sacrifice. Also, to play effectively as a retro paladin, you will need defensive abilities: sacred shield, divine shield, divine protection and hand of salvation.
Step 3
When leveling a retro paladin, select equipment, taking into account such factors: the setup in which you will play, personal preferences, the presence of high-level items. Hone things for stability. It is advisable to have 1000 - 1350 res in your inventory. You'll need Trinket-Priority gear, Warlord's Fury, Ashen Band of Unlimited Power, Polar Bear Claw Bracers, Ahn'kahar Necklace. Insert regal fear into blue sockets.
Step 4
Use addons to increase the flow of useful information and place it in a convenient place on the screen. X-Perl is a frame that has an excellent display of buffs and debuffs. Dominos is an easy-to-customize bar substitute. Also use the OmniCC addon to display all possible cooldowns.