In modern operating systems, a hard disk is usually divided into several volumes (usually two - C and D). Such a division is convenient for storing only system and program files in one volume (usually in C), and on the other - user files. However, the user himself can distribute his files between volumes (or disks).
Basic personal computer skills
Step 1
First, open the directory on the source C drive containing the folder you want to transfer to the D drive.
Step 2
Next, find the folder you want and right-click on it once. The file action menu will open.
Step 3
In the menu that appears, select the "Cut" line. After that, the selected folder conditionally disappears from the original directory and is transferred to the clipboard, that is, it will be ready to be transferred to another location.
Step 4
Next, go to drive D and open the directory in which the portable folder should be located.
Step 5
In the main window menu, select the "Edit" item, and in the list that appears, select the "Paste" line. After that, the folder from the clipboard will be moved to this open directory, while it will disappear from its original location on the C drive.