The solution to the problem of running the program in a minimized form can be found using standard tools of the Microsoft Windows operating system or specialized scripts.

Step 1
Call the main menu of the Windows operating system by pressing the "Start" button and go to the "Run" item to carry out the procedure for launching the selected application in a minimized form.
Step 2
Enter the value cmd in the "Open" field and confirm the execution of the command for launching the "Command Line" tool by clicking the OK button.
Step 3
Enter the value: start / min application_name.exe in the command interpreter text box and confirm the command by pressing the Enter function key.
Step 4
Use the value: cmd / drive_name start / min application_name.exe to execute the command to automatically start the selected program in a minimized form and confirm the execution of the command by pressing the Enter function key.
Step 5
Select the following command syntax to launch the required application minimized to the tray:
Run (@ProgramFilesDir & "\ Program_name / program_name / exe", ", @SW Minimize)
Run ("program_name.exe", @ProgramFilesDir & "\ program_name ", @SW Minimize
to use WinExec or ShellExec functions.
Step 6
Return to the main Start menu and go to Run to determine other options and options for using the start command in the command interpreter.
Step 7
Enter the value cmd in the "Open" field and confirm the execution of the command for launching the "Command Line" tool by clicking the OK button.
Step 8
Enter a value: start /? into the command interpreter text box and confirm the command execution by pressing the softkey labeled Enter.
Step 9
Use, or create, a command line parameter (switch):
if (Properties. Settings. Default. AutoRun)
Microsoft. Win32. RegistryKey myKey =
Microsoft. Win32. Registry. CurrentUser. OpenSubKey (@ "Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Run ", true);
myKey. Setvalue ("MyProgram. NET", Applcation. ExecutablePath + "-hide");
Registry. CurrentUser. OpenSubKey (@ "Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Run ", true);
myKey. Close ();
Registry. CurrentUser. Close ();
Microsoft. Win32. RegistryKey myKey =
Microsoft. Win32. Registry. CurrentUser. OpenSubKey (@ "Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Run ", true);
myKey. SetValue ("MyProgram. NET", Application. ExecutablePath + "-hide");
myKey. DeleteValue ("MyProgram. NET");
myKey. Close ();
Registry. CurrentUser. Close ();
to be able to run the selected program minimized.