If you decide to register your own website, you will need a developer company (hereinafter referred to as the Contractor). But, before contacting the Contractor for help, try to think for yourself - what you want to get from your resource. Accordingly, both technical performance and appearance will depend on its tasks. Here are some tips on how you can write a technical assignment for your site, or, more simply, write its content.

You will need to think about the thematic direction of the resource, its services, purpose and functions
Step 1
The first and very important point is the goals of your site. Take the time to think it over. You yourself must clearly understand what you want from your site and also clearly describe its goals to the Contractor. The clearer and more complete you describe the content of this paragraph, the more opportunities the Contractor has to make it more efficient and fully fulfilling all your wishes.
Step 2
Next is the target audience. Describe in detail in this paragraph the audience you want to see on your site: age, education, ability to pay. For example, if you open an online store of youth clothing, your target audience will be young people, and if you are going to sell collection wines, accordingly, the audience will be older and better off. The audience influences the design of the site and the choice of special services.
Step 3
The next point of content is functional requirements. Requirements are divided into functional and non-functional (special). In order for the Contractor to be able to complete the task more fully and more accurately, it is more useful to describe the functional requirements with specific examples. As for special requirements, it can be additional services, subscriptions, the possibility of holding, for example, contests among visitors or other interactive features.
Step 4
Standards. As for this point - if you have an idea of programming, list those standards that should be present in the technical structure of your site. If not, consult a specialist.
Step 5
System requirements. At this point, you need to list the requirements for operating systems, memory, this will also include information about the site's fault tolerance.
Step 6
Performance and attendance. In this paragraph, describe how many users can work on the site at the same time, or in a certain period of time. Also indicate with which tool you want to determine the performance of the resource.
Step 7
Security is a very important point of content. Describe the required methods for data encryption, transmission and storage.
Step 8
Interface. Describe the elements of the user interface and how they are displayed.
Step 9
This completes the writing of the content of your site - you wrote the main content of your site.