The Linux operating system has gained a lot of popularity over the past few years thanks to its open source and free distribution of the system. The problem after installing the OS is the installation of applications made under Windows, in particular games.

- - a computer with Linux OS;
- - Wine.
Step 1
Go to the Add or Remove Programs section to install games designed for Linux. Select the genre and the game itself, click on the "Install" button. There are also versions of popular "Windows" games developed for Linux, such as Quake4, Doom3, Enemy Territory: Quake Wars. To install them, go to the official website of the game and in the "Downloads" section, find the installation file for Linux. Run the installation file using the package manager and install the game on Linux.
Step 2
Use Cedega or Wine emulators to install Windows games on Linux. Determine the required DirectX version from the system requirements for the game. If the eighth version or lower is enough for the game, then you can use Wine. If you need DirectX 9 or higher, then use the Cedega emulator to run games on Linux. True, this emulator is picky about the installed games. If you can't start the game, then install DirectX 9 support for Wine.
Step 3
Install the latest version of the Wine emulator by entering the command sudo apt-get install wine in the terminal. If the emulator is already installed on the computer, delete its settings and recreate it by running the winecfg command in the terminal. Next, copy the following files from the windows / system32 / directory: streamci.dll and mscoree.dll to the wine / drive_c / directory.
Step 4
Delete the d3d file in the installed Wine emulator folder. Download DirectX and install it by entering the wine directx_nov2007_redist.exe command in the terminal. Next, select the folder with the unpacked files, go to this folder and run the wine DXSETUP. EXE installation file. In a terminal, enter the wine configurator command: winecfg.
Step 5
Go to the Libraries tab, select Wine from the list, and install d3d9, dinput, d3d8, ddrawex, dinput8. Next, run the DirectX diagnostics: enter the wine dxdiag.exe command in the terminal. You should now be able to run your Windows-installed game on Linux.