A motherboard is a complex, multi-layered computing device that is the central hub of a computer. It contains the main components of a personal computer, such as a central processor, RAM, expansion modules (video card, sound card) and much more.

Step 1
Motherboards come in different models and it is advisable to know which model of motherboard is installed on your computer. This information is required primarily to install the drivers. The easiest way to see which motherboard is installed is to read the documentation for your computer. But if it is absent, you can find out the model of the motherboard in other ways: First, you need to partially disassemble the computer - you need to remove the side cover and see which motherboard is installed. The method is very simple and reliable. But it takes some effort.
Step 2
You can see which model of the motherboard, during bootup after turning on the computer. This is the first or second screensaver. This method, like the first one, is simple, but the motherboard does not always support this function.
Step 3
You can also see which motherboard is installed using Everest if Windows is installed. This program is designed to analyze the configuration of a computer and obtain information about its components. The advantage of the Everest program is that it works with all models of motherboards.
Step 4
If your computer is running Linux, you can use the dmidecode utility. This method requires the installation of the program and the ability to work with it.
Step 5
There is another way to determine which model the motherboard is installed, but a knowledgeable user of a personal computer can use it. It is necessary to download the BIOS Agent program. After starting the program, click on "Get BIOS Info", then on "Save results" - a text file will be created, which will contain the necessary information. For more accurate information, you should report the number of PCI, ISA slots, memory slots and processor sockets located on the motherboard.