How To Set Up A Vpn Client

How To Set Up A Vpn Client
How To Set Up A Vpn Client

Table of contents:


VPN connections are used not only to create connections within offices, but also by providers when conducting home Internet. Client settings may vary depending on the purpose.

How to set up a vpn client
How to set up a vpn client


access to the computer


Step 1

Go to the network connections menu of your computer and select create a new item in the upper left corner of the window, after which a new connection wizard should appear on the screen. Click the Next button and select the Connect to the network at my workplace option. Next, check the second point, which will go to the point of setting up the connection to the virtual part.

Step 2

Enter the connection name of your choice. Based on the type of VPN connection you are setting up, select one of the dialing options, if you have a regular home Internet, select the option without dialing.

Step 3

In the next paragraph, write down the IP address that was provided to you by the provider, usually it is written in the documents when connecting, for example, Choose to add a desktop shortcut of your choice and start the connection.

Step 4

Enter in the appropriate fields of the window of the VPN connection you created the login and password given to you by your provider to connect to the virtual network. Without connecting to the Internet, select the properties of your local area connection and configure the security settings and the connection protocol you are using. Apply and save your changes and connect to the internet.

Step 5

Go to the official website of your Internet provider, then find a utility that automatically creates a VPN connection depending on its purpose, when it is installed, the necessary parameters will be automatically applied and the local network connection settings specific to this provider will change.

Step 6

Also, for the correct setting, use the technical support service by calling the number specified in the contract or using the informant on the official website, if available.
