How To Create A Signature

How To Create A Signature
How To Create A Signature

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Creating a forum signature allows the user to reflect certain information in it. For you to be able to issue a signature, you need to perform certain actions.

How to create a signature
How to create a signature


Computer, internet, forum profile


Step 1

First of all, you need to enter the forum using the username and password that you provided during registration. After you find yourself on the forum under your username, you can proceed to the registration of the signature. Immediately, we note that the user can reflect information such as graphic elements, text, and text links in his signature. To issue a signature, you need to follow these steps.

Step 2

While on any page of the forum, find in its upper part a link of the form “My Account”, “My Profile”, “User Profile”, or “Personal Account”. You need to click on this link. After you click on the link, you will be taken to your profile page. All information about you that you specified during registration (postal address, username, avatar, etc.) will be displayed here. You need to select the "Profile Settings" item.

Step 3

By clicking on the "Profile Settings" menu, you will find yourself on a page that allows you to set a new password for your account, change your avatar, and contacts. In addition to all other possibilities, on this page you can also issue a signature, for this use the appropriate section. You can see the signature rules on the forum itself. After making all the adjustments, do not forget to save the changes, otherwise they will not take effect.
