Sound professionals tune equalizers to their ears. This approach is quite understandable: on any device and in any room, you can make the sound clean and of high quality only based on the environment. For non-professionals, however, a few tips on how to adjust the equalizer will be quite helpful.

Step 1
Any equalizer can be conditionally divided into three types of frequencies: high, middle, low. Each type corresponds to several regulators corresponding to a certain level of hertz. To adjust the equalizer, turn on your music at a comfortable volume. First of all, remove the excessive amplification of any frequencies, expressed in wheezing. The sound should be clear and clear, not overwhelming. You should also focus on personal taste. For example, someone likes soft bass, someone is hard, someone is very low. In all cases, adjust all frequency levels to sound comfortable.
Step 2
The equalizer should be adjusted depending on the sounding music. If you're having a party where guests love pop songs, boost the mids to emphasize the singer's voice and singing. If, for example, the main part of the music will consist of dance rhythms, then the middle frequencies, on the contrary, should be lowered and the high and low frequencies raised.
Step 3
Most often, the equalizers tuned by specialists look like a sinusoidal wave. Its peaks are at the high and low frequencies, and the dip is at the mids. This setting makes the sound clearer. But you can align the equalizer in a different way, if, for example, the room has special acoustics and layout. So, to get the EQ right, you can follow the examples of the sound professional, or you can trust your hearing. After all, in the end, you listen to music, and its sounds should be to your liking, first of all, to you.