A large number of printers for home or office use can be bought at almost cost price. But such a purchase will be profitable only at first glance. By purchasing a printer at a very favorable price, its owner will spend a huge amount on the purchase of cartridges, the cost of which sometimes reaches half the price of the printer itself. But there is always a way out for significant savings. For example, you can buy CISS for a printer.

Today you can buy a printer at a price of one and a half to two thousand rubles. It’s a paradox, but the cheaper the printer is, the more expensive it will be to service it, and the cartridges in its kit, as a rule, are filled only by 30-50% of the nominal volume. It is worth noting that such extravagance in maintenance applies only to inkjet printers, while their digital counterparts are always more expensive and more economical. And you can refill a cartridge for a digital printer an unlimited number of times, but only color and photo printing can rarely please its owner. However, craftsmen have learned to refill "disposable" inkjet cartridges, but no one can guarantee their safety during refueling. More recently, a useful invention has appeared in the world of office equipment called CISS, the abbreviation of which means a continuous ink supply system, which saves hundreds of percent, avoiding the purchase of expensive inkjet cartridges.
The principle of operation of CISS for a printer
When using a CISS for a printer, ink is supplied in a continuous stream from replenishing reservoirs directly to the print head. CISS for a printer consists of several Marriott vessels, silicone plumes and the ink itself, which, due to the complete tightness of such a system, is supplied under pressure to the print head. As a rule, CISS for a printer can be installed independently, especially since there are many video tutorials on the Internet that demonstrate the method of installing CISS. The ink supply system is not know-how and is widely used in large-format and interior printers, with the only exception that the built-in CISS is hidden from the user's eyes. To put it simply, CISS is a set of four containers of paint and trains similar to those used in droppers. The set for any CISS comes with a drill for expanding the holes for the loop, syringes for filling Marriott vessels, gloves for hygiene and flushing liquid for vessels. A clamp is used to pull the loops when installing the CISS.
When self-installing CISS, you must read the instructions and soberly assess your strength. In the event that self-installation of the CISS is impossible, you should call the pros, otherwise you can ruin the cartridge.
Benefits of using CISS for a printer
When printing using branded cartridges, they are replaced even if the cartridge is out of only one color. In CISS, you can visually assess the ink consumption and add them as needed. CISS is simply necessary for the commercial use of the printer, because the cost of printed photographs and booklets will be reduced to 20-50 kopecks apiece.
A printer with CISS should be installed in one place and not subject it to frequent moves, because one awkward movement can provoke a depressurization of the entire system.
The real savings when using CISS reaches hundreds of percent. When printing a large volume of products, you can not be afraid that the printer will stop printing due to a lack of ink in the cartridges. We must not forget about the environmental component when using CISS, because such a system is durable, and the user does not have to litter nature with used cartridges, which are rarely recycled in Russia.