When buying a cartridge, there is always the possibility of buying a fake. It is difficult for an ordinary buyer to protect himself from buying fakes, since even the seller may not be aware that there are several counterfeit cartridges in the supply. But if you know some of the features of the original cartridge, you will never buy a fake!

It is necessary
- -shine;
- -loop.
Step 1
Of course, the main feature of the original cartridge is the presence of a hologram. It is usually located on the tear-off tape of the box. The hologram should contain text, which is most often shown along the diameter of the hologram, but may also be in the middle.
Step 2
Pay particular attention to the color of the hologram. As the box turns, it should change from green to reddish. The original hologram contains a special blue thermal strip, which becomes transparent when heated. That is, you can simply rub the hologram with your finger and the color should change. Another sign of originality is the individual number located to the left of the logo. If your hologram has at least 2 signs, you can be sure of the originality of the cartridge.
Step 3
The lot number is indicated on the box and on the cartridge. For original cartridges, these numbers must match.
Step 4
The instructions for using the cartridge should be in the box or be glued with special tape. If the instruction is glued to PVA glue, it is a fake.
Step 5
The box must be sealed with an even strip of glue, i.e. no gaps, smudges or bends. Moreover, the adhesive must not get on the tear line. The original box must be of the correct geometry, without bends or bevels. The date of production is squeezed out on the box. If the date is stamped, it is most likely a fake. Cartridge packaging should be labeled in various ways and is usually made of light-colored material. Laser printer cartridges are packed in matt polyethylene.
Step 6
The box must contain inscriptions in Russian. Fake companies make cartridges not only for Russia, therefore they make standard inscriptions in English. If your box does not have Russian text, this is a fake.