Computer literacy is no less important today than traditional one. At least minimal knowledge of a computer and the ability to work with a number of programs is required even in those areas where previously everything was done exclusively on paper and manually. This situation creates many problems for people who have never had to deal with computing technology in the past years. It is especially difficult for people of age who are forced to master the computer on their own in order to maintain their usual work.

Step 1
If you are one of these people and knowledge of a computer is vital for you, and there is no time or opportunity to attend training courses, first of all, do not worry. Absolutely any sane person can master the computer at the user level and know the individual programs necessary for the operation. Of course, for this you will have to put in enough effort and time, but the result will certainly be successful.
Step 2
Remember that a computer cannot be mastered theoretically, i.e. only by books and or video courses. To learn how to work on it, you must deal with it immediately and directly: turn it on every day and study its possibilities. Do not be alarmed or upset if at first everything seems incomprehensible. This feeling will quickly pass in the process of work. It is best if there is a person next to you who can explain something during the study. But even if there is no such mentor, it is quite possible to master the computer on your own.
Step 3
If you have no computer skills at all, you will need a good tutorial or video tutorial. You can buy a suitable book from a store that sells educational literature and computer programs. Choose the simplest textbook, where all the material is presented in an elementary way. Pay attention to the number of illustrations. The more of them in the book, the easier it will be for you to work.
Step 4
If you decide to choose any training video course, make sure that you have an assistant who will help you install the course on your computer and explain how to turn it on and off correctly. When working with the course, try to complete all the proposed tasks sequentially, without trying to master all the material at once in one volume.
Step 5
The most basic things that you should learn first: how to properly turn on and off your computer, how to download a text editor and type simple text in it, how to go online and work with e-mail. Also, try to master the work with Internet search engines from the first stages of training. This will help you a lot in finding the information you need. But when going online, try to avoid dangerous sites and never disregard the recommendations of your antivirus program.