The main purpose for which the MaNGOS project was created is training, therefore its source code is allowed to be used only for educational purposes, including the assembled program. You cannot use MaNGOS to install public projects.

It is necessary
- - computer with Internet access;
- - the "Notepad" program;
- - utility for unpacking maps;
- - MySQL database server;
- - Microsoft Framework 3.5;
- - Navicat program;
- - system administration skills.
Step 1
Install the MySQL database server on your computer. Reboot, install Navicat program. After installing Navicat, configure its connection to the MySQL server. To do this, open the program and run the Connection command. In the settings window, fill in the following: in the first field, enter server, in the host name / ip address field, enter localhost, port - 3306, user name - root, enter the same password as when installing MySQL. Next, create four databases: scriptdev2, characters, angos and realmd. It is necessary to create a base in order to make a MaNGOS server. Right-click on the Server connection, run New database, enter a name for the database, set the encoding to utf8, click OK. Create the rest of the bases for starting the MaNGOS server in the same way.
Step 2
Configure the server assembly, for this unpack the server files into the C: mangos folder, edit the mangosd.conf file. Open it with notepad and fix the following lines: LoginDatabaseInfo = "; 3306; root; mangos; realmd"; WorldDatabaseInfo = "; 3306; root; mangos; mangos"; CharacterDatabaseInfo = "; 3306; root; mangos; characters". Next, find the line LogsDir = " to configure the MaNGOS server, specify log in the quotes. After that, find the line RealmZone = 1. If your World of Warcraft client is English, then skip it, and if it is Russian, replace the unit with 12. Next, open the realmd.conf file and edit the LoginDatabaseInfo = "; 3306; mangos;" line. mangos; realmd "is the same as the previous option. Open the scriptdev2.conf file and replace the following line: ScriptDev2DatabaseInfo = "; 3306; root; mangos; scriptdev2". Save the file.
Step 3
Start installing databases. Download the database from the link, fill it with a batch file into the MaNGOS database. Unpack the database into one folder with the batch file, rename the database to TDB_096_R45.01_rev6710.sql. Next, the installation of the tables will begin. After installation, download updates for the database using Navicat. In it, open the server connection, select the database, right-click on it, select the Execute batch file command, in the menu that opens, click the "Start" command. After that, unpack the World of Warcraft client files, move the maps and dbc folders to the folder where MaNGOS is installed. Run realmd.exe, then mangosd.exe. Wait for the server to boot, write Account create root 12345 in the console. This command creates an account with the password 12345.