We remember about the presence of a secret question in the event that the password for the account (it can be a postal or any other service) is lost. Forgetting the secret question, let alone the answer, is not worth it. If you've forgotten, it's time to change your security question.
Step 1
Log in to the mail. In the upper right corner of the interface, find the "settings" link and follow it.
You will see a screen with a list of editable settings - follow the link "Password recovery data".
In the "Select a question" field, open the drop-down list and make a selection. If you want to come up with an individual security question - enter it in the "Or enter your own" field.
Fill in the "Answer to question" field. Remember, the answer to the security question gives you access to change your mail password - don't make it too easy.
Having filled in the fields "Specify the code in the picture" and "Current password", click the "Save" button.
Step 2
Log in to the mail. In the upper right corner, click on your username and select the "Passport" link in the drop-down list.
On the "Passports" page, find the link "Change personal data" and follow it.
In the second block from the top, you will see a link "Change security question / answer". Click on the link.
Fill in the "Secret question", "Enter a question" if you want to ask your own question, and the "Your answer" field.
Enter your current password in the field at the bottom of the Your Password screen and save your changes. Security question changed!
Step 3
Log in to the mail. In the upper right corner, find the "Help" link and follow it.
On the page that opens, follow the link "My Account", which is also located in the upper right corner.
In the "Security" section, click on the "Password recovery" link.
In the "Security Question" field, enter an already set answer to reset the old question and install a new one.
Select or enter a new question, enter a new answer. Save your changes.