In order to securely delete a file, you can use one of the following options: physical destruction of the media; certified device for guaranteed destruction of information; software for guaranteed deletion of information.

As you know, the file is deleted logically, but is physically present on the media. Even if the media is formatted, the data can still be recovered. Three main methods of guaranteed destruction of information: physical destruction of the carrier; certified device for guaranteed destruction of information; software for guaranteed deletion of information.
Physical destruction of the carrier
This method is one of the best. No media - no information. Unfortunately, this method is laborious in relation to some types of storage media.
Storage media such as paper, floppy disks, CDs, plastic cards and some types of flash drives can easily be destroyed by a Shredder device. Take the carrier, put it in the "Shredder" and get your carrier in the form of sawdust and shavings.
And "Shredder" cannot destroy media such as hard drives or flash drives in an anti-vandal case. To destroy them, use the tools at hand, such as: a hammer, pliers, screwdriver, scissors.
Certified devices for guaranteed information destruction
Such devices destroy all information contained on the carrier and in most cases destroys the carrier itself. This device strikes the carrier with a powerful electromagnetic energy beam, as a result of which the carrier is demagnetized.
Place the media in the device to destroy. Turn it on and allow time to build up. Press the start button and step back from the device a few steps. As a result, a pop will be heard (similar to a shot), and the information will be destroyed.
Software for guaranteed destruction of information
This method is one of the simplest and does not require financial costs. There are many software out there that are guaranteed to delete information. The principle of operation is practically the same. They write hexadecimal zeros to sectors where there is no actual information. Data recovery after destruction by such a software product is impossible.
This method of destruction is convenient in that the carrier remains operational and is ready for further use.
Download and install the software to complete the uninstallation procedure. Select the medium on which you want to delete the information, start the deletion process.