It so happens that the dr. Web stops updating automatically. The reasons for this are different, but, as a rule, after a manual update, everything returns to normal. A forced update of the anti-virus program should be done when it starts signaling that the update has not been completed for several days.
Step 1
Find dr. Web. The icon is green and resembles a spider. If you cannot find it there, then look in the system folders, and then pin it to the quick access menu. Click on it with the left mouse button.
Step 2
In the window that appears, select the "Update" item and click on it, another window should open.
Step 3
Select the line "Update now" and click on it. After that, the antivirus starts updating in manual mode, after the update the message "Databases updated" will appear, if you did not see this message, but an error report appeared, then contact your service provider or send a bug report. Don't forget to check if your license key has expired.