How To Replace Mac Address

How To Replace Mac Address
How To Replace Mac Address

Table of contents:


The reasons for wanting to change the MAC address of a network card can be very different, but the methods for solving this problem are to use standard tools of the Microsoft Windows operating system and do not require the use of specialized programs.

How to replace mac address
How to replace mac address


Step 1

Click the "Start" button to bring up the main menu of the Microsoft Windows operating system and go to the "Run" item to initiate the procedure for changing the MAC address.

Step 2

Enter cmd in the Open field and click OK to confirm the command line tool command.

Step 3

Enter the ipconfig value in the text field of the utility window that opens and determine the MAC address of the computer to be used.

Step 4

Return to the main menu "Start" and go to the item "Control Panel" to perform the operation of changing the MAC address.

Step 5

Expand the "Network Connections" node and open the context menu of the connection you are using by clicking the right mouse button.

Step 6

Click the "Settings" button and go to the "Advanced" tab of the dialog box that opens.

Step 7

Specify Network Address and enter the desired address value in the Value field.

Step 8

Exit the application and re-determine the MAC address of the computer using the console.

Step 9

Return to the main "Start" menu and go to the "Run" item to perform the procedure for changing the MAC address if the desired results are not obtained.

Step 10

Enter regedit32 in the Open field and click OK to confirm the launch of the Registry Editor tool.

Step 11

Expand the HKLM / SYSTEM / CurrentControlSet / Control / Class {4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} branch and select the 000x / DriverDesc subkey.

Step 12

Specify the desired value for the new address in the NetworkAddress key, but do not change the DriverDateData value.

Step 13

Close the application window and enable the required network interface in the network connections section.

Step 14

Restart your computer to apply the selected changes.
