When creating your server dedicated to a popular game, you should pay special attention to the culture of the players and, in particular, the absence of cheaters. A cheater is a player who deliberately uses programs that give him an advantage over other players. There are different types of cheats: wallhack, speedhack, aimbot and many others. As a rule, cheaters can be tracked by an unnecessarily high score or instant headshot, regardless of the weapon used.

Step 1
So, the rule for identifying a cheater is number one, the simplest: excessively fast movement around the map. With a sufficiently long game, it is possible to determine in advance where the enemy will be at one time or another, so if you move suspiciously quickly, you should watch the player: speedhack is possible.
Step 2
The next cheat is trivial and easy to detect: aimbot. A certain point on the enemy's body is set, where aiming is carried out after the first cartridge has been fired. Most often it is the head. This cheat can be traced by the uncharacteristic shaking of the sight for the player and unexpected "sticking" in the wall. Of course, a high headshot count is also indicative, but don't forget that there are game professionals who get hit not because of cheats, but because of skill.
Step 3
Wallhack. The cheat is that the player can see the enemy through the walls and can track his movements. As a rule, such players are noticed by completely incomprehensible "shots", for example, when one cartridge from a sniper rifle immediately hits the head or when they notice that the player too often looks at the wall in the direction of the enemy, literally seeing him off with a sight.
Step 4
Also distinguish such weapons are missing.