Pictures from symbols, they are also pseudographics, have become quite popular lately in social networks and various forums. The reason for this is probably the desire of many to stand out with their post or message.

- • Original graphic file
- • Program generator
Step 1
There are two ways to create pseudo graphics. The first is complex - creating a picture manually, the second is easy and accessible to everyone - creating an image using special programs. The article will consider the second method, since it is most in demand, in contrast to the first. After all, not everyone is able to create such masterpieces by hand, but everyone is capable of creating something so beautiful from symbols in a special program.
Step 2
Choice of program There are not many programs of this specialization on the Internet. Popular ones: ASCII Pic, PCX2ANSI, Warlock, FIGlet.
These programs convert a regular picture in bmp or.jpg"
• ASCII Pic is one of the most common programs of this kind. Able to convert pictures in.jpg"
• FIGlet - a program for creating beautiful ASCII lettering. Flexible (color, font). The fonts for it are easily pluggable and numerous (several hundred). Can't generate graphics, only labels
• PCX2ANSI dos-utility, which successfully and quickly copes with its duties - to generate pseudo-graphics from images. There is probably only one drawback - working from the command line
Step 3
The process itself, it all depends on the program you choose. Although they all have an English-language interface, anyone can figure it out, everything is clear and straightforward.
We load the source image into the program and get the result in the form of symbols. Or create an image from scratch (see Warlock).