Delphi is an object-oriented programming language that has recently been used quite often for developing applications for Microsoft. In addition to the fact that this language is quite widely applicable, it is still quite lightweight in comparison with its counterparts.

editor for delphi
Step 1
Open the program you usually use to program in Delphi. You can also use a regular notepad, but the task will be greatly simplified by the presence of a special editor, selected in accordance with the programming functions. Enter the specified conditions into the editor in full.
Step 2
In the code you have written, write a keyword that will be responsible for launching a particular function, enter its name, attach text with input parameters characteristic of it. When formatting the code, of course, brackets are used. Be sure to check the names of the functions and do not make any mistakes in them, because otherwise it simply will not work.
Step 3
Often, when working with the Delphi programming language, problems arise, especially this relates to the initial stages of its use, so devote as much time as possible to gaining practical skills. This is especially true for those who were not previously familiar with the Pascal language, from which Delphi was formed several years ago into a stand-alone language. There is a lot of literature on this topic; the theoretical part of this issue should also be given some time. The whole problem lies in the fact that most of the books are written for experienced programmers who can easily understand the philosophy of the language the first time. Try to find Neil Rubenking's book "Delphi for Dummies" on the shelves of bookstores, in which the process of programming in this language is described most clearly.
Step 4
If during programming you often have doubts or do not know how to implement this or that action, register on special thematic portals for timely assistance and answers to your questions.