The Delphi programming language works with functions that call the execution of an action. Editing and writing functions is best done in special editors.

Step 1
Open your Delphi program and choose to create a new project or edit one of the old ones. Enter the initial attributes and then proceed to create the function.
Step 2
Write a keyword in the code that calls the execution of the function, in Delphi it is called function. After that, the name of the function being executed and the input parameters for it are indicated. The last point must be enclosed in parentheses.
Step 3
Please note that here you need to know the exact name of the function that calls the execution of a particular procedure. If you are unsure which one to use in a given case, refer to the Delphi reference literature. Your function should look something like this: function Name (X: integer; S: String): Integer;
Step 4
If you have problems creating functions or performing other fairly simple operations in Delphi, use Neil Rubenking's book "Delphi for Dummies", where all the necessary initial stages for programming in this language are clearly and in detail described.
Step 5
In order to better remember these simple moments, often combine them with other tasks. Also, choose the right software for writing Delphi code, as most often inexperienced programmers use the first compilers available.
Step 6
If you cannot understand this programming language on your own, refer to the textbooks on the Pascal language, on the basis of which Delphi was based, after which in 1998 it became a separate unit in programming languages. Once you understand the basic principle of Pascal, it will be much easier for you to use the basic functions of Delphi.