Nowadays it is very rare when we meet a person who does not have a mobile phone. Each of us is accustomed to the convenience and comfort that it brings to our lives. At the same time, the situation when the battery holds poorly and quickly discharges is familiar to many. The question arises, is it possible to reanimate a cellular battery, giving it a "second life"?

Over time, the battery wears out, which leads to the fact that it cannot store the same amount of voltage as before. The capacity of the battery deteriorates and after the expiration of time it becomes unusable. As a rule, all equipment, including rechargeable batteries, have their own expiration date. Faced with such a problem, many are thinking about whether it is possible to reanimate the battery, "give it a second life." The answer to this question is yes.
Of course, there are times when it is not possible to restore the battery. An example is physical breakdown, contamination of contacts, but in some cases you can restore it.
The first method is to restore the battery using a simple device, the Aimax B6 charger, which you can buy at a hardware store.

We proceed to the resuscitation process, we start by grounding the negative wire, and connect the red one to the power supply. We select the type of battery we need on the charger, setting the appropriate mode for lithium-ion or lithium-polymer batteries. We set the voltage equal to 3.7 V and the charge current equal to 1 A.
We are waiting for a while and the voltage will begin to rise, which means the restoration of the battery. When the voltage reaches 3.2 volts, the battery can be considered reanimated. You can return to your "native" charger.
The next method can be called the "folk method" of battery recovery. It is simple, it will not be difficult to repeat it. To restore the battery charge, we need a whole plastic bag and a freezer.

We put the battery in a bag, close it tightly. After that, we put the battery in the freezer for 12 hours. After this time has elapsed, remove the battery and leave it at room temperature to "warm up". Wipe dry and insert the battery into the cell. You can try this method, because many argue that it works.
But do not forget that the battery is designed for a certain life span.