Quite often, PC users may notice that their computer is running much slower than it used to be. This is directly related to the clogging of the system registry, and special programs are required to clean it, of which there are quite a few today.

A dirty registry can have a direct impact on the efficiency of the entire computer as a whole. Some common functions, which previously took less than a second, can take several seconds, and in the most severe cases, even several minutes. Of course, this affects the productivity of working with a computer, and the longer you delay solving such a problem, the more the situation will worsen.
In order for your computer to work well, you need to clean the registry regularly. This can be done manually, but, as you know, progress does not stand still, and even this procedure is now automated, and it can be performed using special programs.
For example, a user can use the Regcleaner program. Thanks to the simple and intuitive interface of this program, the user can clear the registry in just a few clicks. The software itself works as follows: it performs a full scan of the system and its registry, in connection with which it searches for information about the removed programs and various file associations. After completing this procedure, the user is provided with detailed statistics, viewing which, he can delete unnecessary files in the registry using a special button. In addition, the program can search for information about old, unused programs, uninstalled programs, deletes unused DLL files, and the program is also capable of creating backup copies of files before deleting them. As a result, after completing all the described actions, the performance of the computer may increase significantly.
Of course, this program is not the only one. There is another analogue - CCleaner. Its only difference from the previous version is that using the CCleaner program, the user can not only clean the registry, but also completely delete information about various programs on the computer and completely optimize it. The program allows you to delete unnecessary and unused files, frees up space on hard drives, cleans up the registry and allows you to start Windows faster. In addition, with the help of this software, you can "clean up traces" of the user's online activity, that is, delete the history in browsers, delete cookies, etc. As a result, we can say that the CCLeaner program has a full set of various functions that can improve performance personal computer of the user.
These two programs are distributed absolutely free of charge, which means that anyone can easily find them on the Internet, download and use them for their intended purpose.